Riyadh dust and its effect on patients with respiratory system and eyes

Riyadh dust and its effect on patients with respiratory system and eyes

With the fluctuations of the weather, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, especially the city of Riyadh, is exposed to a wave of intense dust that affects a lot of allergy sufferers, whether in the respiratory system or the eyes, and has many negative effects that must be guarded against. And how to avoid the harm of this dust.


What are the effects of Riyadh dust on the body?

Riyadh dust causes many diseases and damages, especially for those who suffer from respiratory allergies and eye allergies. Here are some of these damages:

Damage to the respiratory system

  • Fine dust particles can be inhaled easily in the nose and pharynx and accumulate and occupy space in the lungs, which may lead to Serious respiratory problems.
  • Riyadh dust causes sinus congestion.
  • Exposure to dust also leads to asthma.
  • It may also lead to bouts of persistent coughing, wheezing, and chest tightness. 
  • Dust buildup in the lungs may also expose you to pneumonia, silicosis, and the development of lung cancer.
  • Dust damage to the respiratory system is also very serious and here prevention of dust damage to your body is very important.
  • There are many medicines to prevent and treat the effect of dust on the body, all of which are found in Adam's Pharmacy.

Dust damage to the eyes 

As a result of exposure of the eye to a large amount of dust, itching occurs with a large amount of tears, and discomfort, and thus the presence of sensitivity inside the eyes.

Riyadh dust can cause allergic conjunctivitis accompanied by runny nose, itching and redness inside the eyes.

Transmission of some infectious diseases

Airborne dust contributes to the transmission of some infectious diseases, including:

  • Dust transmits some fungi that cause valley fever.
  • Influenza virus spread through dust particles.

Dust damage to the skin

Dust particles are deposited on the skin causing many allergic reactions, such as: itching, flaking, redness, and dryness, and some types of dust contain carcinogenic chemicals that can lead to dangerous results.

Ways to prevent Riyadh dust

When Riyadh dust spreads, you must be careful and follow the following methods to prevent this dust:

  • Avoid going out to open areas, especially during strong winds and low visibility and when the level of dust suspended in the air is high.
  • When going outside, cover your nose and mouth with a protective mask or a damp cloth outside to reduce inhalation of dust particles.
  • When driving in dusty weather, keep the windows closed and use air conditioning instead of outside air.
  •  Avoid rubbing your eyes to prevent them from getting infected.
  •  People who show symptoms of allergy, such as eye tears, coughing, asthma attacks, or wheezing sound when breathing, are advised to go to their primary health care centers.
  • As for people who have severe breathing problems and difficulties, this may mean that they are at risk of developing pneumonia, and therefore they should head to the emergency department.

Medications to treat dust 

allergies Allergy medications are available as tablets, syrups, inhalers, nasal sprays, eye drops, skin creams, and injections.

 Some allergy medications are available in all branches of Adam's Pharmacy without a prescription, while others are available by prescription only. 

Here is a summary of the different types of allergy medications and what they are used for.


These antibiotics work by blocking the release of histamine, a symptom-causing chemical produced by the immune system during an allergic reaction.

Oral antihistamines - Available as over-the-counter or prescribed medications at Adam's Pharmacy, they relieve runny nose, itchy or watery eyes, swelling, and other signs or symptoms of allergies.

 Because some of these medicines may cause drowsiness and fatigue, they should not be taken while driving or performing other potentially dangerous activities.

Nasal Sprays

Antihistamines include nasal sprays that help relieve sneezing, an itchy or runny nose, sinus congestion, and postnasal drip.


drops Prescription eye drops or antihistamines may relieve itching, redness, or swelling in the eyes. 

Decongestants Decongestants

are used to quickly and temporarily relieve nasal and sinus congestion. These painkillers may cause insomnia, headache, high blood pressure, and irritability.

 Not recommended for pregnant women or people with high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, glaucoma or hyperthyroidism.

Many decongestants such as pseudoephedrine (Sudafed, Afrinol, others) are available without a prescription.


sprays and drops Antihistamine nasal sprays and drops relieve nasal and sinus congestion if used for a short period of time.

 Repeated use of these medications for more than three consecutive days may cause the congestion to return after it clears or get worse.

Home Recipes for Treating Riyadh Dust Allergy Patients

There are many natural recipes that help treat allergy sufferers with the medicines that we mentioned to you, from these recipes we remind you:


Eating honey is useful in treating dust allergy and according to theories, honey helps your body to adapt to dust. Allergens present in the environment.

 Just by taking a teaspoon of honey, you can get instant relief from sneezing or coughing, and honey also has anti-inflammatory properties, thus you can apply it on rashes as well.

Apple Cider

Vinegar Apple cider vinegar is an effective remedy for dust allergy. Mix 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water and drink it three times a day. This drink slows down the production of mucus.

Vitamin C

 Eating citrus fruits like oranges and fruits that are full of vitamin C inhibits the release of histamine by white blood cells and increases their detoxification.

 Vitamin C also reduces nasal secretions and stuffiness.


Inhalation of steam is another way to treat dust allergy, to do this take some hot water in a large bowl and place your face over it and cover your head with a towel and inhale the steam properly. 

Do this for at least 10 minutes. This process calms and clears the nasal passage.

Thus, we have explained to you the most important medicines that help treat the effects of the Riyadh dust wave that is spreading these days, along with some home methods that increase the effectiveness of these medicines, knowing that you can order any medicine to treat respiratory allergies and eye allergies from Adam Pharmacy, and you can also consult a clinical pharmacist. A specialist can prescribe the right medication for you.


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